Handmaiden kotor 2 jedi
Handmaiden kotor 2 jedi

Instead, the influence of the artifacts proved too strong, and they slowly . was a former friend from the Jedi Order, Meetra Surik, also known as the Jedi Exile. Brianna, also known as "The Last Handmaiden," or simply "Handmaiden," was a.

handmaiden kotor 2 jedi

Be sure to speak to Kreia once you have reached level 15 and have a . Star Wars KOTOR 2 at IGN: walkthroughs, items, maps, video tips, and. Ask Kreia about Handmaiden's mother, learn she was a Jedi. of ways to gain influence with various characters in KotOR II: The Sith Lords. You should ignore Visas to gain Handmaiden's influence, but you should really do it on the . How to Beat Bastila in the Star Forge in "KOTOR". Knights of the Old Republic 2 Walkthrough Increase your Influence over the Handmaiden by engaging her in conversation. The Handmaiden will become either a Jedi or a Dark Jedi, depending on what type of character you are playing. you can train her, unless you don't have high enough influence with her, . So I am trying to make handmaiden a jedi.

handmaiden kotor 2 jedi

LS - Atton LS - Bao-Dur LS - Brianna LS - GoTo. Star Wars - Kotor 2 - Knights Of The Old Republic II - The Sith Lords.

handmaiden kotor 2 jedi

When she complains about your companions (particularly Handmaiden and . It doens't work very well, because I don't have much influence with. I've started playing KOTOR 2 for the second time now, wanting to try a Dark. online encyclopedias) has understood Kotor 2. I too make the companions-choices usually to max the influence, at least. Another would be on Onderon when the 2 aliens ask your opinion on who.

Handmaiden kotor 2 jedi